“Je Cours Pour Ma Forme”: Spring 2025. Registrations are open!

The next session of “Je Cours Pour Ma Forme” will start in spring 2025, in March.

Here is important information for our new “Spring 2025” session.

  • Three levels are proposed: 0-5km, 5-10km and 7-12km
  • Information session on Friday 21 February at 6:30 pm: presentation of coaches and levels, discovery-trial, meeting with ‘older’ runners during a friendship drink followed by a meal for those who wish,
  • Start of the session: Tuesday 11 March for 0-5km & 5-10km – Thursday 13 March for 7-12km.
  • Duration: 12 weeks + test 13th week + graduation ceremony 14th week (Tuesday 10 June)
  • The meeting for the first session takes place in front of the gates of the Wolu Sports Park, 1 Avenue Edmond Galoppin, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre (in the Woluwe Park).
  • The cost of the subscription is EUR 50 (or EUR 45 if you live in Woluwe-Saint-Pierre).

Interested? Do not hesitate to contact us, indicating the group in which you wish to evolve to wolusportspark@woluwe1150.be